
Virtual Machine Backup

There are two steps to backing up a virtual machine: Backing up the appliance, and backing up all user metadata associated with that machine on TIRA.

Backing up the appliance

Run the following command on the host where the machine is hosted

tira vm-backup vmname username

Make sure the machine is backed up on ceph under <tira-model>/backup.

Now delete the machine from the host by running:

tira vm-delete vmname

Backing up the appliance

Backup all user metadata by running:

./usr/lib/tira/ -u username -b

and confirming when prompted.


You might need to install the rich and click packages if those are not yet installed on that particular host. To install these, simply run

pip3 install rich click

Migration of VM’s between hosts

  1. Run the following shell-commands on the old host:
    ~$ tira vm-stop <vm name>
    ~$ VBoxManage export <vm name> -o <vm name>.ova
    ~$ scp <vm-name>.ova <user>@<host>:/home/tira/VirtualBox\ VMs/<vm-name>.ova
  2. Run the following shell-commands on the new host:
    ~$ VBoxManage import <vm name>.ova
    ~$ rm <vm name>.ova
    ~$ nano /home/tira/.tira/vms.txt
    • Transfer the line corresponding to <vm name> from old host to new host.

    • Change host name to new host.

    • Change the <vm id> from old host to the id of a new vm on new host.

    • Change IP and ports corresponding to new id.

  3. From configure VM script:
    ~$ VBoxManage hostonlyif create   # (if needed)
    ~$ VBoxManage hostonlyif ipconfig "vboxnet<id>" --ip "10.<host id>.<id>.1"
    ~$ VBoxManage modifyvm "<vm name>" --nic1 hostonly --hostonlyadapter1 "vboxnet<id>"
    ~$ VBoxManage modifyvm "<vm name>" --vrde on
    ~$ VBoxManage modifyvm "<vm name>" --vrdeport "555<0-padded id>"
    ~$ VBoxManage modifyvm "<vm name>" --vrdeauthtype external
  4. Tira-model:
    ~$ nano <tira-model>/model/virtual-machines/virtual-machines.txt
    # Change host and vm name to correspond to new host and name.
    ~$ nano <tira-model>/model/users/users.txt
    ~$ nano <tira-model>/model/users/<vm name>.txt
    # Change vm name, vm id, ports, and host to correspond to new host and names.


Hard disk drive name cannot be changed and will include the old host vm id.

Backup of all VMs on one host

for f in *-tira-*;
    do u=$(echo "$f" | awk -F '-[0-9][0-9]-' '{print $1}');
    tira vm-backup $f $u;

Recycling a Username

If you need to re-use an old username, which might occur if you accidentally create a VM with the wrong .ova file, follow these steps:

  1. Delete the corresponding virtual machine by running tira vm-delete <vm-name>

  2. Remove the corresponding user block from the following file: <tira-model>/model/users/users.prototext

  3. Delete the <username>.prototext file from the <tira-model>/model/virtual-machines/ directory.

Helpful commands

Recreate size files

for f in ls -d */*/*; do
if [ -d "$f/output" ]; then
    find $f/output -type f -exec cat {} + | wc -l >> $f/size.txt
    find $f/output -type f | wc -l >> $f/size.txt
    find $f/output -type d | wc -l >> $f/size.txt

Recreate file-list files

for f in ls -d */*/*; do
if [ -d "$f/output" ]; then
    tree -ahv $f/output > $f/file-list.txt

Exchange strings

find -type f -name "*.prototext" -exec grep "corpus" {} \;
find -type f -name "*.prototext" -exec sed -i "s/corpus/dataset/g" {} \;
find -type f -name "*.prototext" -exec sed -i "s/Corpus/Dataset/g" {} \;
find -type f -name "*.prototext" -exec sed -i "s/corpora/datasets/g" {} \;
find -type f -name "*.prototext" -exec sed -i "s/Corpora/Datasets/g" {} \;
find -type f -name "run*.bin" -exec rm {} \;
find -type f -name "evaluation.bin" -exec rm {} \;
rename s/corpus/dataset/ *