Organizing Tasks

Get a reviewer account

Create an account at and ask an admin to add you to the tira_reviewer group.

Create/Edit your Organization

  • Click on “Edit Organization” to add / edit your organization.

  • In the “Edit Organization” modal, you can specify the credentials for your git integration that is used as backend in your tasks

Create a Docker Image for your Evaluator

An evaluator is a software that gets a system’s run and the truth data as input to create the run’s evaluation.

Evaluators get three variables as input in TIRA:

  1. the $inputDataset variable contains the ground-truth data,

  2. the $inputRun variable contains the to-be-evaluated run, and

  3. the $outputDir variable points to the directory at which the evaluator should create the evaluation.prototext file containing the evaluation results.

Evaluators should produce helpful guidance for runs that are not valid (e.g., clarify the inconsistency with a message printed to stdout instead of failing with an exception). Users can see the output (stdout and stderr) and the evaluation results of unblinded evaluations (in case it is a test dataset an admin manually unblinds the evaluation after ensuring it does not leak confidential data) or all training/validation evaluations (i.e., evaluations that use a training or validation dataset as input).

Your evaluator must be compiled as a docker image and uploaded to Docker Hub so that TIRA can load your image. Here are some recent evaluators that you can use as blueprint for your own evaluator:

Add a new Task and new Datasets to TIRA

We assume that you have a reviewer login to tira, the dataset, and the evaluator for your task ready.

  • Visit the overview of all tasks at

  • Click on “Add Task” and fill out the corresponding form (use the Master VM Id that you received during registration, e.g., princess-knight was a baseline in Touché)

  • Click on your newly created task

  • Click on “Add a new Dataset” and fill out the corresponding form

  • Navigate to the Evaluator section of your new dataset. Click on “Git CI” to use the CI backend and specify the Docker image of the evaluator and the evaluation command.

Provide Public Baselines to Simplify Participation

In the best case, you provide the code, a published docker image, and instructions on how to compile the code into a docker image to simplify participation in your shared tasks.

We have some examples on baselines that you can adopt for your shared task, e.g.:

To simplify testing software submissions locally before they are uploaded to TIRA, we provide a tira-run command that participants can use to test their image locally. The tira-run commands executes a software as it would be executed in TIRA.

You can find some examples of shared tasks that use tira-run in their baselines to simplify participation here:

We recommend that you have for all of your baselines an tira-run example so that you can point participants to this example if their software submission fails in TIRA. For this, you need:

  • The baseline should be publicly available, e.g., at Dockerhub

  • You need a small sample of the data (can be artificial, but must have the same structure/format as the test data)

Assuming that you have published the baseline for your task at dockerhub under the name <DOCKER_IMAGE_BASELINE> and that the baseline is executed via the command <BASELINE_SOFTWARE_COMMAND> inside the container and that you have a directory tira-sample-input with the sample data in the git repository of your baseline, you can add the following documentation (replace the placeholders with the correct values) to your README:

You can test docker images that you would submit to TIRA locally via `tira-run`.
The `tira-run` commands executes a software as it would be executed in TIRA (i.e., with sandboxing using the same command pattern).

We recommend that you test your software locally on the sample dataset `tira-sample-input` before uploading it to TIRA to ensure that your software works correctly (this also simplifies debugging as everything is under your control and runs on your machine).

Please install `tira-run` via `pip3 install tira`.

After `tira-run` is installed, you can execute the baseline on the sample dataset `tira-sample-input` via this command:
`tira-run --input-directory ${PWD}/tira-sample-input --image <DOCKER_IMAGE_BASELINE> --command <BASELINE_SOFTWARE_COMMAND>`

This command should create the following output in `tira-output`: <TODO_ADD_EXAMPLE_OUTPUT>

Modifying virtual machines

  • Login to the machine where the VM exists (ssh tira@betawebXYZ`)

  • Locate the complete [vmName] from tira/model/users/[users].prototext.

  • RAM

    On dockerized tira hosts: enter the docker container. You can do this using:

    docker exec -ti $(docker ps|grep 'tira-io/tira-host'|awk '{print $1}') bash

    Then run:

    tira vm-shutdown [userId]
    VBoxManage modifyvm [vmName] --memory [MBs]
    tira vm-start [userId]
  • CPUs

    On dockerized tira hosts: enter the docker container. You can do this using:

    docker exec -ti $(docker ps|grep 'tira-io/tira-host'|awk '{print $1}') bash

    Then run:

    tira vm-shutdown [userId]
    VBoxManage modifyvm [vmName] --cpus [number]
    tira vm-start [userId]
  • HDD space (read/write from VM, is sandboxed along with VM)

    On dockerized tira hosts: enter the docker container. You can do this using:

    docker exec -ti $(docker ps|grep 'tira-io/tira-host'|awk '{print $1}') bash

    Then run:

    cd /home/tira/VirtualBox\ VMs/[virtualMachineId]
    tira vm-stop $(basename "$PWD")
    VBoxManage createhd --filename data.vmdk --format VMDK --size [MBs]
    # In the following: if "SATA" does not work, try "SATA Controller" or "SATAController"
    VBoxManage storageattach $(basename "$PWD") --storagectl "SATA" --port 1 --type hdd --medium data.vmdk
    tira vm-start $(basename "$PWD")
    tira vm-ssh $(basename "$PWD")

    Use fdisk -l to check that the new partition is indeed “/dev/sdb”. Adjust below instructions otherwise.

    sudo parted -s -a optimal /dev/sdb mklabel gpt -- mkpart primary ext4 1 -1
    sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1
    sudo mkdir /mnt/data
    sudo nano /etc/fstab</code> and add <code>/dev/sdb1 /mnt/data ext4 defaults 0 2
    sudo mount /dev/sdb1
  • HDD space (read-only from VM, is not sandboxed)

    Follow these instructions. Then run

    tira vm-shutdown [userId]
    VBoxManage sharedfolder add [virtualMachineId] --name data --hostpath /home/[userId]/data --readonly --automount
    tira vm-start [userId]


    This allows connections by SFTP, but not by SSH (as the home directory is not writable)

Moderate a Task:

  1. Log in to with a reviewer account.

  2. (optional) Add a new organizer using Add organizer on the website.

  3. Create a master-vm (see Set up the master VM)

  4. Reload the VMs on the Admin Panel on the website.

  5. Add a new task using Add Task on the website. Requires a master-vm

  6. Add a new dataset using Add Dataset on the page of the respective task. You can also add the evaluator data during this step.

  7. Install the evaluator on the master-vm in accordance to the data entered during step. 6

Set up the master VM

  1. Create the virtual machine using tira vm-create. The name should end with -master.

  2. Connect to the TIRA host container:

    docker exec -ti $(docker ps | grep 'tira-io/tira-host' | awk '{print $1}') bash
  3. Give yourself permission to the VM’s group on (if you followed [the instructions](#get-a-reviewer-account))

  4. Give the master VM access to the test and truth directories.

    vboxmanage sharedfolder add [virtualMachineId] --name [typeDirectory] --hostpath [typeDirectoryPath] --readonly --automount

    This should be done for training-datasets-truth, test-datasets, and test-datasets-truth


Changes do not show up on the website

Go to tira-admin and then to System Actions > Reload Data.

Error on creating a virtual machine: :code:`VBoxNetAdpCtl: Error while adding new interface: failed to open /dev/vboxnetctl: No such file or directory`, usually comes with an error on vm start: :code:`Nonexistent host networking interface, name 'vboxnetXX'`.
  • Log in as webis

  • Check if /dev/vboxnetctl exists <code>ls /dev/vboxnetctl</code>. If not, proceed. If yes, there is a different error.

  • Run <code>sudo modprobe vboxnetadp</code>

  • Run <code>sudo modprobe vboxpci</code> (needs to be a separate call like here!)

  • To check if VMs are running run <code>sudo -H -u tira VBoxManage list runningvms</code>

  • If so, run <code>tira stop</code>

  • Wait a few seconds

  • Run <code>sudo service vboxdrv restart</code>

  • Run <code>tira start</code>

A virtual machine does not :code:`tira vm-start` with error :code:`is not a valid username/vmname`.

The vbox file might be lost. Go to /home/tira/VirtualBox VMs/**vm-name**. If there is a .vbox-prev but no .vbox file, copy the former to create the latter (effectivley restoring it).

Read-only file system in a virtual machine.

Restart the virtual machine

A virtual machine has :code:`/media/training-datasets/` not mounted.

On betaweb020:

sudo salt '**server**' state.apply tira

Then maybe it is needed to restart the VM

Prometheus says there are errors in :code:`vboxmanage list vms --long`

Perform maintenance: “Removal of inaccessible VMs”