Check if TIRA is up and running
GET /health
General information about the running server
GET /info
Returns a (optionally filtered) list of all datasets
GET /v1/datasets
Creates a new dataset and returns it
POST /v1/datasets
Returns information on the specified dataset
GET /v1/datasets/{datasetId}
Updates the specified dataset
PATCH /v1/datasets/{datasetId}
Deletes the specified dataset
DELETE /v1/datasets/{datasetId}
GET /v1/evaluations
Returns a (optionally filtered) list of all organizers
GET /v1/organizers
Creates a new organizer and returns its URL
POST /v1/organizers
Returns the specified organizer
GET /v1/organizers/{organizerId}
Updates the specified organizer
PATCH /v1/organizers/{organizerId}
Deletes the specified organizer
DELETE /v1/organizers/{organizerId}
Returns a (optionally filtered) list of all runs
GET /v1/runs/{runId}
Updates the specified organizer
PATCH /v1/runs/{runId}
Deletes the specified organizer
DELETE /v1/runs/{runId}
Returns the review of the specified run.
GET /v1/runs/{runId}/review
Updates the specified review
PATCH /v1/runs/{runId}/review
Returns a (optionally filtered) list of all tasks
GET /v1/tasks
Creates a new task and returns its URL
POST /v1/tasks
Returns the specified task
GET /v1/tasks/{taskId}
Deletes the specified task
DELETE /v1/tasks/{taskId}
Returns a list of all evaluations associated with this task
GET /v1/tasks/{taskId}/evaluations
Returns a list of all users registered for the task referenced by taskId
GET /v1/tasks/{taskId}/registrations
Registers a new user for the task referenced by taskId
POST /v1/tasks/{taskId}/registrations
Returns a (optionally filtered) list of all submissions for the task references by taskId
GET /v1/tasks/{taskId}/submissions
Submits a new submission for the authenticated user
POST /v1/tasks/{taskId}/submissions
Returns a description of all tirex components
GET /v1/tirex/components
Returns a snippet demonstrating the usage of the specified TIREx component
GET /v1/tirex/components/{componentId}/snippet
Returns a list of tools
GET /v1/tools
Invokes the specified tool
POST /v1/tools/{tool}
The user associated with the authenticated state
GET /v1/user
Returns all submissions of the specified user
Returns all submissions of the specified user.
GET /v1/users/{userId}/submissions